Ethical way of moving ahead
We, at Dwarikesh, are known to think and work differently. We believe in ethics, professionalism, and competence. Like every other business organization, financial success is at the core of our efforts and activities, however, our well defined corporate ethics make sure we are responsible towards our larger role towards the society, the country, its economy, people and the environment.
Run an Extra Mile and Discover the Treasure… The beliefs imbibed revolve around the values assigned to business and business associates.
For us, farmers are not merely suppliers of sugarcane but they are our partners in business. The cost of sugarcane purchased constitutes nearly 70% of the total cost to the Company. The health and prosperity of the company is directly proportional to the health and prosperity of its farmers. Therefore, in spite of statutory requirement of time, we make the payment of the cane price on first priority. The company has cleared all its cane dues for the last crushing season 2016-17 including the differential cane price of the season 2007-08 as per order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The company has also paid the part SAP for crushing season 2015-16 following the directions of state government.
The difference: The goodwill generated is tremendous.
For us, vendors are not merely suppliers of material but they are vital cogs in the wheels of company’s business. Payment is made to the vendors on or before the due date.
The difference: substantial vendor loyalty.